St. Valentine comes calling
Most of us know the history associated with Valentine's day. Though in today's modern world context it is more materialistic, opportunistic and non committal. At Sampan we send our Valentine's day wishes and our love to all our Artisans and our NFP partners who we love and support
When St. Valentine was sentenced to death for preaching and practicing his faith, little did Claudius know that the very occasion will become a reason for such a huge celebration of love. We encourage you all to express your love towards everything you believe in and everything important in your life
Our small effort in supporting and encouraging various social enterprises and NFP by providing business process improvements, creating meaningful employment opportunities and providing a platform to showcase and sell craft is already showing results and we hope our commitment of love on this day will make the life of our loved ones better in the coming year
We have a range of gifts for your Valentine, made from recycled, reclaimed and sustainable resources. Every purchase helps the maker